Tuesday, June 18, 2013

30 $ min - 2970$ max / Month TRUE-AUTOPILOT! You wont believe it in your eyes!

Payments Proofs:

[Image: 2rfq3yw.jpg]
[Image: ajxi4p.jpg]

Project Information:

The idea for the project came about as the result of the 58th Bilderberg meeting (Sitges, Spain 3-6 June 2010) where, as part of the conference, the problems of social networks, science and cyber-techology, the Global crisis and other important topics were discussed. The idea of using distributed processing to completely change the current deplorable state of affairs in the scientific realm was discussed in at a small round table. The ideological foundation of our project was laid down in lobbies, and later it was further built upon by a seperate group of participants. Today the project is prepared to expand the borders of possibility, give humanity a chance to rapidly progress forward, finance innovative developments, and support cutting edge and practical scientific work. The possibilities of our super-computer are limitless. Its scale is unprecedented, and via good management it will lack ideological prejudices. And for the future, it will help to usher in a new Digital World Order, that has never before been seen, one that is timeless and uninfluenced by current prejudices.

Project Plan:

Well after i visited this site i was so excited for an old idea. What is more boring and profitable than a software working at your pc and making you money? Well you might meet those kind of ideas in the past but iam sure you noticed that was a scam. Well here it is , i won't explain anything since my english are not so good and i dont want to be misunderstood. 

See ti your self.

How it Works:

* How does it work?
You likely already have programs like Windows Media Player, FireFox and Microsoft Office. Our Program isn't different than any other program. Its as easy to install as any other program and its completely harmless. The program works automatically, and will not interfere with other programs at all. It also won't bother you with annoying pop-ups. You won't even notice a difference in your computer's performance after you install our program. In fact the only thing you will notice because of our program is the increased size of your wallet.

* Will your software harm my computer?
Our software is completely harmless. You can check this with any anti-virus program you wish. Our program will fit normally into the processor queue, it will not effect your overall system performance. In effect the program works independently, preforms only one specific function, which is to use your computers spare processing power as a chain of computers all working towards a single goal. By using distributed processing we are able to increase processing efficiency. This makes our super-computer one of the most powerful in the world, of a type not found elsewhere in the world.

* What is a Thread?
Before starting any process, its required to place it in a predefined Thread. For example, immediately after you turn on your computer you start a Thread that allows your computer to preform specific tasks, such as go on the internet, and view files and videos. Modern processors have a huge amount of possibilities, including the huge potential to create powerful Threads, most of which go unused because PC owners have no need for them. We propose that you allow us to use your processor's unused potential, which we will be happy to pay you for.
Our super computer works on the basis of multithreading. Multithreading allows for processor's to be working on several Threads at once, processing them in parallel. This enables modern processors to either be ultra efficient, as processing tasks are divided into smaller threads. This also allows them to efficiently solve complicated algorithms.

* How many Threads can I run?
The number of Threads you can run is directly related to the ability of your computer to run them, and of course how many you actually want to run. If your PC can run up to 10 Threads, then you can run that many. At this time there are no restrictions on the number of Threads you can run.

* Do I need to be connected to the internet while the program is running?
It's absolutely required. The processing that your computer preforms need to be shared with other machines, otherwise distributed processing doesn't work.

Where can I see how much work my PC has preformed?
You can see all the statistics about how much work your computer has done on your account page.

If you'd like to know about the system in general, and also learn about news and interesting milestones regarding our project, you can check out our blog. Here we'll discuss various items of interest about the project, talk about the technical development of the system, brag about important milestones, and keep project participants informed about the status of the project with important and relevant information

We are free from prejudice and are open to all who deisre to join us. Working on such a difficult and grandiose project requires 100% effort and working with out making mistakes, everything must go like clockwork. Our experienced team can solve the problems put to them and has developed unique rules for success:

Take a KISS approach

Flexible when solving problems

Transparency and Honesty in business

Relationships and partnerships

The knowledge that any process and any event takes a certain amount of time to occur

A clear understanding that everything is subject to the rules of a business environment

If youre smart, decisive, and can distinguish an interesting and profitable offer from a low income "too good to be true" offer that will take all of your free time, well be glad to see you join our project. And if you understand the concept of team-work, and if your moral principals leave you considering other things besides how to get rich quick- well be VERY happy to see you join our team. Because these principals, teamwork and not being in it just for the money, are the basis of our idea and form an ideological foundation for participants. They tie us all together!

How to become part of the team?

For those of you who decide to become part of our project, as well as to receive a stable income for allowing us to use the processing power of your computer, you must:

1. Register
2. Confirm your registration. In the registration mail you will be given a link to follow.
3. Download our application and install it on your computer. Follow the installation instructions and user guide. If you need to you can find hints on the download page.
4. Buy a connection to a Thread (this is an automated process that is required to completely enter the system and register your payment information, where the money that you earn will be sent). You can chose the payment method that is most comfortable for you. Also you will always be able to change this method at your discretion. For a full list of the payment methods available, please see the Payments page.
5. Carefully read and learn how to use our program. If you have any questions about working with the system, you can likely find the answers in the FAQ.

Web Site Interface:

[Image: Digital_Generation.gif] 

[Image: Digital_Generation2.gif] 

P.S:You can Maximize your Threads to 99 which means 99 *30$ = 2970$/month :)

Allow me to show you to all my incomes from this project since i joined before 1 month and without spend a PENNY...
I'am still shouting to even more spetics to think about it again... this project will last for long.. 

[Image: esivcg.png]

And Site total

[Image: k2lfya.png]

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